
Francesco Benincasa

CEO Smarter.ai - The AI Marketplace

I’ve long believed that all businesses should have access to the tools they need to grow effectively, which is why I founded Smarter.

Working in VC I saw companies with extraordinary ideas wanting to use ML to set themselves apart. Most couldn't afford to assemble an AI team and build machine learning into their company DNA, which limited their true potential.

I want to provide the high-quality artificial intelligence that will propel them to the next level; Smarter gives everyone access to AI, leveling the playing field with Big Tech and connecting SMEs to a marketplace of unique solutions to help their businesses innovate and grow. It's my passion to create and grow a thriving community to support this.

I became acutely aware of climate change and the importance of sustainability for a better future after founding a green data-centre business and patenting some of the most efficient energy usage in the industry. In order to improve my approach to sustainable living, I decided to go vegan.

I'm driven to work with new technologies and outliers to improve the world we live in.

9.30 - 11.00 AM

Day - 2 1 Feb


Speakers: 9.30 - 10.00 AM

Panel Debate: 10.00 - 10.20 AM

Q&A: 10.20 - 10.30 AM

Demos (x3): 10.30 - 11.00 AM